
Английский язык в 4 классе. Тема «Путешествие. Транспорт»

Английский язык в 4 классе. Тема: Обобщение знаний по теме: «Путешествие. Транспорт».

Цель: закрепление лексического материала по теме: «Путешествие. Транспорт».

Задачи: 1. Закрепить навыки чтения и использования в устной речи лексики: виды транспорта; путешествия; активизировать ранее изученные лексические единицы по теме, практиковать в выполнении заданий по чтению.

2. Развивать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся, формировать навыки межличностного общения; развитие ключевых компетентностей учащихся: познавательной коммуникативной и социальной.

3. Поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать уважение, понимание и толерантность к другой культуре, обучать сотрудничеству и работе в группах.

Оборудование: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, карточки, презентация.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Good morning! Glad to see you. Sit down, please.

2. Речевая зарядка

Do you know the topic of our lesson?

Guess, what we are going to talk about.

— People like to do it .

— They usually do it in summer.

— They take a lot of luggage with them.

— A lot of people do it all over the world.

Cl.:- Traveling-

T: You are right.

3. Сообщение темы и хода урока.We shall speak about methods of traveling and practice reading story on the topic.

Основной этап

1. Активизация употребления изученных лексических единиц

T:-What is the word»Traveling»associated with?

T: As for me, I like to travel. I can do it by train, by car, by plane. It’s interesting to have a voyage by sea. It’s beautiful to stay at the hotel at the seaside.

T:-Let’s have a talk and discuss methods of traveling. What do you think? Презентация

— How can people travel?

— Which is the quickest method of traveling?

— Which is the most comfortable?

— Which is the cheapest?

— Which is the most expensive?

— Which one is the most interesting for you?

T: Well done.

Работа в группах. Ex. 2 p.255

2. Практика в чтении.

T: We’re going to read the texts. Guess the method of traveling. (ученики читают тексты на карточках — по одной карточке с текстом на парте- и отгадывают способ передвижения)

№ 1

It is the quickest way of traveling. It can take you from one town or city to another in no time. The seats are comfortable. That’s a pity, but you can see very little from the windows. Things are too small to be seen. When the weather is rainy or foggy, you can’t travel by it.(by plane)

№ 2

This way of traveling is quick. You can stop at any place you like and go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually families travel by it.(by car)

№ 3

This is the slowest way of traveling. Both young and old people like it. You needn’t tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can visit many places in such a way. (on foot)

№ 4

This way of traveling is quick. It is very pleasant to travel in this way. The seats are comfortable. You can see a lot of interesting things from the windows. You can make long journeys on land by it.(by train)

№ 5

This way of traveling is not so fast. Some people enjoy traveling by it .But others don’t like it at all. Usually people travel in this way in summer, when they are on holidays. You can see waves and sea-gulls. (by ship)

I see, you know the methods of traveling.

3. Reading

Teacher: Now I want you to read an interesting article about trains.

Индивидуальное задание для сильных уч-ся.

Choose the best word ( a, b or c) for each space.

Trains — the Best Way to Travel

For many people, going (1) _____ train is the most exciting way to travel. You don’t have to wait (2)_____ hours at the airport with thousands (3) _____ other passengers. You just go (4) _____ station a few minutes before the train (5) _____, buy a ticket, get on train and the journey begins.

You can look at things (6) _____ the windows, have a sleep, read a book or go for a walk up and down the train. There is usually someone interesting to talk (7) _____ and when you get hungry, you can eat your picnic. If you didn’t bring (8) _____ picnic with you, there’s often a restaurant or a small cafe on the train where you can buy (9) ____ food and a drink

1 On At By
2 For In At
3 And From Of
4 At To In
5 Will leave Left Leaves
6 By Through Inside
7 For At To
8 A Some The
9 A Any Some

Keys: 1c, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8a, 9c.

Самопроверка. Слайд

В это время учащиеся читают и переводят текст упр.11 с.257.

Слабые уч-ся выполняют упр.10 с.257.

4. Подведение итогов урока.

— Now our lesson is over. Thank you for your active work. What new information have you known?

Home task: ex.11p.257 learn the words by heart.

Автор: Мельникова Наталья Анатольевна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Место работы: МАОУ «Гимназия №1»
Месторасположение: г. Бугуруслан, Оренбургская область

Дата изменения: 10.11.2014
Дата публикации: 10.11.2014

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