
Конспект внеклассного мероприятия «Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten» (8-9 классы)

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку ко Дню Победы.

Вводная часть

Цели внеклассного мероприятия:

  • образовательные: расширение кругозора учащихся за счёт знакомства с некоторыми фактами ВОВ;
  • практические: совершенствование речевых навыков: аудирования, говорения;
  • развивающие: развитие внимания, памяти, речемыслительной активности, фантазии, воображения;
  • воспитательные: воспитание уважения к старшему поколению, к ветеранам и героям ВОВ, патриотизма, памяти к истории своего народа.

Сопутствующие задачи:

  • совершенствование фонетических, грамматических, лексических навыков;
  • обучение высказываться по теме: «День Победы».

Оснащение: ТСО: магнитофон, аудиокассеты, ноутбук, проектор.

Ход мероприятия

Звучит школьный вальс. На сцене танцующие пары.

Объявление о войне (звучит голос Левитана): 22 июня 1941 года фашистская Германия вероломно напала на Советский Союз. Началась Великая Отечественная Война.

On the 22nd of June 1941 the Nazi Germany treacherously has attacked the Soviet Union. The Great Patriotic War has begun.

В: The Great Patriotic War will be known by all future generations of Soviet people. It is part of the history of our Great Country. Many young people from the school bench went to the front.

(танец под музыку «Синий платочек»)

Oh, war! What you mean, done? Began to quiet our yards.

Our boys have raised their heads,

They have matured to the pores.

On the road, barely appeared

And went for a soldier soldiers. Goodbye, boys! Boys!

Try to go back! Boys!

Ah, war! What did you do,mean?

Instead weddings separation and smoke.

Our girls dresses White gave away his sister.

Boots. Well, from where they go?

Yes green wings epaulettes.

You spit on them, girls!

We’ll even with them then.

Let the chatter that you do not believe in anything,

The war moves into what guesswork.

Goodbye, Girls! Girls! Try to go back.

(играет скрипка)

Ах, война! Что же ты, подлая, сделала?
Стали тихими наши дворы.
Наши мальчики головы подняли,
повзрослели они до поры.

На дороге едва помаячили,
И ушли за солдатом солдат.
До свидания, мальчики! Мальчики!
Постарайтесь вернуться назад!

Мальчик: Ах, война!
Что ж ты сделала, подлая?
Вместо свадеб разлуки и дым.
Наши девочки платьица белые раздарили сестренкам своим.

Сапоги. Ну, куда от них денешься?
Да зеленые крылья погон.
Вы наплюйте на сплетников, девочки,
Мы сведем с ними счеты потом.

Пусть болтают, что верить вам не во что,
Что бредете войной наугад.
До свидания, девочки! Девочки!
Постарайтесь вернуться назад.

В: Dear boys and girls. This year well celebrate a Great holiday- the 70th anniversary of Victory over Nazi Germany. Its Victory Day. Its special day. Its a wonderful holiday different from all other holidays. . Its a national holiday and at the same time a very personal one.

В: Every year on May 9, Victory Day, we recall those difficult years when soviet people fought for the Victory of our Socialist Home and over fascism. The Victory over fascism was of great significance also because it activated the struggle of colonial peoples for freedom and national independence.

В: Time takes that historic day farther away from us, but we always must remember it because it is closely related with our grandparents or great grandparents which did all their best to bring this victory close. Our country lost more than 27 millions of people in that war and saved the world from fascism. We should never forget those who gave their lives for our Motherland.

В: Many streets of our town Sterlitamak are named after their names. For example: Sukhanov Street, Pantelkin Street, Kochetov Street, Nagumanov Street and many others.

As you see there are a lot of poems and songs about The Great Patriotic War. At that hard time people did not keep quiet but expressed their feelings and emotions in poems and songs. They helped soldiers and strengthen their moral spirit and belief in Victory. The poems and songs written at war time have a great value today. They are recited at meetings, concerts, and TV and radio transmissions. And at our party a popular war poem «Do Russian people stand for War» will be recited now.

(под музыку «Хотят ли русские войны?»)

Do Russian people stand for war? (By E. Yevtushenko)

Do Russian people stand for War?

Go ask, the calm on plain and shore. The wide expanse of field and sea,

The birches and the popular tree,

The soldiers who once fought abreast, Their sons will answer on that score. Ask if Russians are,

Ask if Russians are,

Ask if Russians are for war.

Not only for their country’s life

Did soldiers perish in the strife,-

But that all human creatures might. Sleep always peacefully at night.

Ask those that fearful battle knew,

We keep this memory ever more

And ask if Russians are,

And ask if Russians are,

And ask if Russians are for War.

B: Wait for me, and I’ll be back, just a wait.

Wait, when the yellow rain made me sad.

Wait when snow sweep,

Wait, when hot,

Wait when others do not wait,

Forgetting yesterday.

Gl:Wait, when letters from distant places will not come.

Wait, when he had tired of those who, instead of waiting,

Wait for me, and I’ll be back.

I do not want the good to those

Who know by heart, and forget what time.

М: Жди меня, и я вернусь,

Только очень жди.

Жди, когда наводит грусть желтые дожди.

Жди, когда снега метут,

Жди когда жара,

Жди, когда других не ждут,

Позабыв вчера.

Д: Жди, когда из дальних мест писем не придет.

Жди, когда уж надоест тем, кто вместе ждет.

Жди меня, и я вернусь.

Не жалей добра тем, кто знает наизусть,

Что забыть пора.

Пусть поверят сын и мать

В то, что нет меня.

Пусть друзья устанут ждать,

Сядут у огня,

Выпьют горькое вино на помин души.

Жди, и с ними заодно выпить не спиши.

В: What do you know about Great Patriotic War? Read the statements and say true or false. If the statement is false, correct a mistake.

1. The Second World War broke out on the 22nd of June, 1941. (1939)

2. The Great Patriotic War broke out on the 22nd of June, 1941. (T)

3. Last year we celebrated the 60th anniversary of Victory. (T)

4. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of The Red Army was Zhukov. (Stalin)

5. The majority of Russian people adopted slogan:

«Everything for front, everything for Victory». (T)

6. People celebrate The Day of Victory on the 22nd of June, (the 9th of May)

7. The first town to be attacked by fascists was Moscow. (Brest)

8. The countries-satellites of Russia were France and Italy. (France and England, the USA)

9. Matrosov was born in Russia. (Bashkortostan)

10. The stubborn resistance of Leningrad lasted 900 years. (T)

В: Yes, its true. The fascists broke through to Leningrad in September in 1941. They attempted to take the city by storm but met with unusually stubborn resistance. Then they formed a deep ring around the city. For 900 days the fascists bombed Leningrad. It was cut off from the rest of the country.

В начале музейной экспозиции Пискаревского мемориального кладбища увеличенная фотокопия листков записной книжки, заполненных рукой двенадцатилетней ленинградки – дневник Тани Савичевой. Пожалуй, нет равного на всей земле этому немногословному, потрясающему своим трагизмом документу. Всего семь записей, шесть – о смерти (от голода!) близких людей. Седьмую приведем полностью: «Савичевы умерли. Умерли все. Осталась одна Таня». Умерла и Таня. Самой жуткой смертью – голодной.

В: Eternal memory of the dead!

Eternal glory to the living!

В: Вечная память павшим!

Вечная слава живым!

(Звучит реквием Рождественского)

Please remember,

Years later, through the centuries.


Those who do will never remember!

Song its a flight.


O those who never sing

Please remember,

His children tell us about them,

That too, remembers!



Через года, через века


О тех, кто уже не придет никогда


Песню свою, отправляя в полет


О тех, кто уже никогда не споет


Детям своим расскажите о них,

Чтобы запомнили!

Детям детей расскажите о них,

Чтобы тоже запомнили!


В:Nobody is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten.

В: Никто не забыт. Ничто не забыто.

В:Eternal memory of the dead!

Eternal glory to the living!

В: Вечная память павшим!

Вечная слава живым!

В: Silence of minute.

В: Минута молчания.

(звучит музыка «День победы»)

Victory Day, as he was far from us,

as extinct in the fire melted coal.

There has been a mile, burned in the dust.

This day we were close as they could


This Victory Day gunpowder smell.

This holiday with gray hair at the temples.

This joy with tears in his eyes.

Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day!

Days and nights in open-hearth furnaces

Did not close our Homeland eyes.

The days and nights of hard fought battle.

This day we were close as they could.

This Victory Day gunpowder smell,

This holiday with gray hair at the temples.

This joy, with tears in his eyes.

Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day!

** *

Hello, Mama, we’re not all returned.

Would run around barefoot in the dew.

Mid-Europe marched, half of the Earth.

This day we were close as they could.

** *

This Victory Day gunpowder smell.

This holiday with gray hair at the temples.

This joy with tears in his eyes.

Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day!


Victory Day gunpowder smell.

This holiday with gray hair at the temples.

This joy with tears in his eyes.

Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day! Day Victory!

Автор: Шаяхметова Гюзель Минифанилевна
Должность: учитель иностранного языка
Место работы: МАОУ «СОШ № 31»
Месторасположение: г. Стерлитамак РБ

Дата изменения: 13.09.2020
Дата публикации: 13.09.2020

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